Monday, January 9, 2012

The Making of a Reseacher

Research is one of the areas methods that have seen the great and vast development of the world today. New ways of doing things, news drugs, new face make ups and online marketing are but a few of the many categories of development fields that research has taken about 96%.

The understanding of different phenomena and improvent of ideas would be so much easy if research were to be taken serious in developing countries. Third world countries are lagging behind mostly because their research base is poorly organized or is not attended to at all.

Research needs Top managements' total committment, which shall definitely cost their organizations or countries alot of money besides other equally or more important resources.

Only a few people that manage to acquire admission in institutes of higher learning and successfully complete their studies choose research as their life time career.


Research progress in the world and particularly in third worl countries is very unimpressive and yields little with lots more left to be desired. This is so because of several factors.

most governments are not committed enough to research and they take their cards off it almost completey. It appears developmental research is not one of the best political campaign tools hence it almost finds no room on most governments' agenda and plan of activities. Such a perspective leaves research receive zero political will from governments.


Most institutions do not commit themselves fully to research because it appears to be an expensive venture. The actual fact is that leaving out research costs institutions more than fully engaging it because others out there will do the research for you and eventually when you realize that you are running out of innovations, you are forced to outsource services that others researched on and they charge your institution a big deal.


Research is one of the most un popular stories ever told mostly in developing countries. School leavers and graduates find it strange sometimes to hear that some professionals are fully committed to research as a career. This is so because most researchers are not willing to take the research banner up around town, in schools, in communities and market places. There is need for serving researchers to get organized or atlest more organized and market research as a career and a lucrative one.


Lack of research traits in most school and college curricula is a very sad ferry of retrogration of research around the world. Pupils in school need to know the word "research" and some research terminologies from atleast grade 3 onwards. Research topics, and not 'under covers research topics' should be developed and incorporated in school curricula. students should feel research is a farmiliar term when they go into the university.


Research is vital nfor the development and sustainability of any live organization including governments. Political will should be exercised in full support towards research in developmenta field. Organisations ahould on their own have some well qualified individuals or a group of the same committed fully to resaerch for growth and survival. In this way, governments and independent institutions will contribute towards the making of a sound researcher from grass root for the global good.